Name: Daniela Vasileva Boneva /ex. Andreeva/
Research Activity:
- Dynamics and evolution of accreting binary stars;
- Instabilities and structure formation in accretion flow;
- Methods of hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, bifurcation analysis;
- Analysis of experimental data: light curves generators; Doppler Tomography; Virtual Observatory;
- Satellite Data processing for environment exploration;
Projects Participation:
- Accretion: Nonlinear dynamics of accretion flow in close binary star systems;
- COST action MP1104: Polarization as a tool to study the Solar System and beyond.
- Web-based monitoring of the air pollution in some regions of Bulgaria, based on the satellite data;
- Micro-satellite Platform BALKANSAT;
- Virtual Observatory - Archive Data Center;
За коментари и препоръки към страницата:
За контакт: ул. Акад. Георги Бончев бл.1, 1113 София, България