Fundamental investigation and application of the contemporary methods of nonlinear physics in the area of astrophysical discs
The greatest part of stars in the Universe lives with companion and they known as binary stars. More of them are with compact objects as white dwarves, neutron stars and black holes. These stars are called binary pulsars, Low-mass X-ray binary, cataclysmic variables, symbiotic stars and others. One of the phenomena running in binaries and in galaxies is accretion mass flow or accretion disc.
Accretion disc is a physical favourable place, where several kinds of instabilities and structures may form: spiral structures, vortices, and magnetic corona. The presence of such formations is of a big importance for the existence of disc. Their generation and evolution are investigated by theoretical methods: hydro- and magneto-hydrodynamics, nonlinear dynamics and experimental methods: as Doppler Tomography, Spectroscopy, Photometry and satellite data.
Because of the fundamental importance of the viscous processes for accretion flows dynamics the problem is currently actual. Several of the most fundamental problems of the theory are still unsolved. There is not completely explanation of the turbulence origin in the disc. The accretion binaries are a great powerful source of energy and the source of High-energy X-rays, which emphasize the necessity of applicability of the satellite data.

The topics of the research activities: