Gramatikov, Pavlin

Assoc. Professor,Ph.D.

Date and place of birth: 29th of January, 1962, Sofia, Bulgaria

Work experience

1987- to present: Space Research and Technology Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Research Scientist, Assistant Professor

1981-1986: National Aviation Military University, Dolna Mitropolia, Bulgaria. Aeronautical engineer, MSc in radio equipment of flying vehicles

2014-2015: Space Research and Technology Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Secondary Power Supply Systems for Onboard Aerospace Equipment

Foreign languages

English: reading excellent; writing good; verbal good

Russian: reading excellent; writing excellent; verbal excellent

German: reading good; writing basic; verbal basic

Social skills and competencies

Lived and worked 4 months in Russia. Development of device "ASLAF", project "HotPay", part of "ALOMAR eARI", VI-th Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development, and demonstration activities, "Andoya Rocket Range" (ARR), Ardenes, Norway

Organisational skills and competencies

Coordination and administration of 3 projects company „Samel-90" AD, city Samokov, Bulgaria

Technical skills and competencies

Aerospace secondary power sources and systems, design and testing of electronic circuit solutions, measurement and improvement electromagnetic compatibility. Power sources for unmanned airborne vehicles. Basic (Windows, MS Office) and power supply computer software – self education. Excellent ability in navigating through the Internet.

Driving License

Category B and C


1. Neychev S., S. I. Klimov, A. Anev, N. Baruh, L. D. Belyakova, A. B. Belikova, A. Boneva, A. Buzekova, D. Buchvarov G. Galev, C. A.Grushin, M. Saharinova, I. Ivanov, O. V. Lapshina, R. Nedkov, E. I. Novikov, V. D. Myagkih, P. Gramatikov V. Osipov C., G. Stanev, D. Teodosiev, L. Todorieva, DEVICE FOR MEASUREMENT OF SPACEKRAFT POTENTIAL OF ISS - EQUIPMENT AND FIRST RESULTS, Plenary Session, Ninth Scientific Conference with International Participation, Space, Ecology Safety, ?. Sofia, 20-21 November 2013, pp. 15-23. ISSN 1313-3888.

2. Gramatikov P., P. Getzov, B. Boychev, G. Sotirov, Secondary power sources and systems of unmanned aerial vehicle, University Conference, National Defense University „Vasil Levski “, ?. Veliko Tarnovo, 3-4 July 2014, pp. 143-153. ISSN 1314-1937.

3. Gramatikov P., System onboard power of amateur complex satellite „BRTKS-S“, University Conference, National Defense University „Vasil Levski “, ?. Veliko Tarnovo, 3-4 July 2014, pp. 136-142. ISSN 1314-1937.

4. Kalagireva K., P. Gramatikov, The European SBAS: the alternative equivalent to instrument landing system, International Scientific Conference „Aircraft, road and railway equipment and technology“, Transport Faculty, BulTrans-2014, 17-19 September, ?. Sozopol, 2014, pp. 49-54. ISSN 1313-955?.

5. Gramatikov P., B. Boytchev, Primary power sources for unmanned aerial vehicle, International Scientific Conference „Aircraft, road and railway equipment and technology“, Transport Faculty, BulTrans-2014, 17-19 September, ?. Sozopol, 2014, pp. 59-62. ISSN 1313-955?.

6. Gramatikov P., K. Kalagireva, Secondary power source for unmanned aerial vehicle, International Scientific Conference „Aircraft, road and railway equipment and technology“, Transport Faculty, BulTrans-2014, 17-19 September, ?. Sozopol, 2014, pp. 55-58. ISSN 1313-955?.

7. Gramatikov P. Secondary power supply system for management system from video spectrometer complex „Fregat” in automatic interplanetary station „Phobos-1” and „Phobos-2”, Jubilee Conference „100 years of aviation education in Bulgaria”, Faculty „Aviation”, National Defense University „Vasil Levski“, c. Dolna Mitropolia, 9-10 October 2014, pp. 19-29, ISSN 1313-3888 ISBN 978-954-713-216-8.8.

8. Gramatikov P., A. Gramatikova, Using the program MULTISIM to obtain current-voltage characteristic of diodes, International Conference „Engaging tools for science education”, c. Sofia October 31-November 1, 2014.

9. Gramatikov P., Dynamic parameters of secondary power systems for onboard aerospace equipment, SES 2014, Tenth Anniversary Scientific Conference with International Participation, „Space, Ecology, Safety”, c. Sofia, 12-14 November 2014, pp. 163-170. ISSN 1313-3888.

10. Gramatikov P., Electromagnetic compatibility of secondary power systems for onboard aerospace equipment, SES 2014, Tenth Anniversary Scientific Conference with International Participation, "Space, Ecology, Safety", c. Sofia, pp. 171-175. ISSN 1313-3888.

11. Gramatikov Pavlin Atanasov. Analysis and synthesis of secondary power systems for boarding aerospace equipment. Space Research. Defense of thesis on 17/09/2015. Sofia, 2015, 129 pp.